The CCGT, introduced at the 2007 Geneva Automobile Show, was conceived as a parallel effort during the production of Koenigsegg’s...
In 1994, at the young age of 22, Christian von Koenigsegg established his own supercar company with a grand vision...
Koenigsegg has earned a reputation for crafting outrageous cars that boast immense power, sleek aesthetics, and impressive engineering. The Agera, first showcased at the 2011 Geneva Motor Show, was the next step in the brand’s evolution from its original CC series. With the introduction of the Agera R, Koenigsegg continues...
Supercar, Hypercar, and now Megacar; is a nuclear-powered Gigacar next? Back in the early 1980s, Road & Track magazine published...
The Koenigsegg Regera is 1 of only 80 built with twin-turbocharged V-8 and 3 electric motors that provide 1,500 hp....
High-performance Swedish sports cars manufacturer, Koenigsegg, announced this week that its world’s first ‘mega GT’ will be making its debut in the UK at this year’s Salon Privé Week. Koenigsegg will be presenting the all new Gemera, its first four-seater model, that can power four people and their carry on...